Contra Membership
Through morality
the individual is instructed
to be a function of the herd
and only to attribute value
to himself
as a function.
Freedom assumes,
if not the individual,
at least life is not necessary
as a value.
It assumes therefore
that one place one’s life at stake
(it is not necessary)
at the individual level.
It is
the non-membership
in the system.
the feeling of cold,
of the death of God,
of infinite surpassing
(without which we would fall)
The crucial moment
-excerpt On Nietzsche, Notes, by Georges Bataille, p. 335
These lines are written near the conclusion of Bataille’s book. It is a dark assessment of morality. Morality, a standard of right behavior, our responsibility toward others is nothing but a learned complex of response to “the herd,” requisite language and gesture to “fit in,” to become the herd-mammal that I am…
A medical diagnosis of disease if not “good news” though useful, is solid ground upon which I can stand. Now what? What is to be done? Shall I continue to be a functional herd animal? This, this pivot point, this fork-in-the road… What do I/you want? This obsession with following what “the other” desires of me… Che vuoi? What am I for others?
What is worth sacrificing my life for, living and dying for? What is worth the stake of my life? Is the answer to come from God communicating — by the mouth of a pastor, by the writings in a holy book, by some secular standard of success, by devotion to a sports team, by compulsion with Tik Tok… No doubt the offers in exchange for a life are many.
The writer, Bataille, suggests one renounce one’s membership in “the system,” to desist being a herd animal. There is no deity, or will-of-God, no “membership” that is worth the most precious possession that we could ever have.
This one magnificent life.
This tune by Triumph seems right for today. Hold On, you and I will reach the other side of this experience called life.