Only The Point Remains
Why do we stand amazed before the assumed properties of the black holes of outer space? Aren’t all of our puncta of observation and all of our quanta of actions simply black holes of scientific thought? These are the black dots of the line wherein begin and end our rational representations. As Bachelard slyly suggested, “The original sin of reason is that of having an origin.” According to the most recent theories of the origin or origins, the principle of causality of the universe will not be a primary substance; it will be an accident: an absolute and necessary accident which rendered all subsequent substance relative and contingent. This original accident is to reason and to the human sciences what original sin was to human nature.
In the face of this inversion….we can answer Hegel’s old question: “How can we obtain a beginning in philosophy?” How? Exclusively through a striking force, an accident that enthrones reason in the space and place of the grace of God–or, if one prefers, of the grace of created substance.
And finally, the quarrel between theology and teleology never ended. Ever since Galileo, it was simply displaced from the increasingly precise measurements of space and time onto the immeasurable excesses of an instant without duration and without dimension. An instant in which constructive reason finds its destiny. The Morphological Irruption –Paul Virilio, originally published 1984