Plague Journal, Halloween Decoration Fantasy
It was a sunny afternoon. We declared a field trip for ourselves and the two grand kids. Off we went to visit several homes that featured impressive Halloween displays. On the visit to a West Chicago neighborhood, the monster featured was a giant dragon. Skeletons and rats were placed at the foot of the giant dragon. Imagine these “monsters” showing up at our door demanding treats, in the run-up to November 3rd! By means of the election I hope we can make them “go away,” as a nightmare dissipates when one rises to a new day.
The Batavia display was themed, Martian Invasion. How many stories have been told about alien invaders from another planet? H.G. Wells War of the Worlds was one of the first. I read a Classic Comic book version of War of the Worlds as a kid. The Martian invasion fantasy stimulated my imagination. What would I do if we were invaded by aliens that meant ill toward us, bent on exploiting us and our planet? Is not our present situation a “real-life” variation, an invasion which we imagined as children? Our well being, that of future generations, and that of the planet is at stake. Will the coronavirus play a role in the demise of the Trump administration? The virus is not imagined, and is unaffected by social media, a fire-hose of propaganda. “Make America Great Again,” MAGA is revealed as illusion, by unchecked spread of the virus.
One thought on “Plague Journal, Halloween Decoration Fantasy”
Delightful. Speaking of imaginings:
One of the few (being a natural skeptic) hopes I hold to these days is the military. It has been recorded that when Nixon was approaching his forthcoming end, that he wandered the halls talking to the portraits of former occupants of the WH.
That he did such was already known, but the addition of abundant amounts of alcohol made the activity more urgently of need to be addressed: I have read (in commonly reliable sources) that at the time the military was at the ready to come between him and the launch codes that always accompanied him – those who did the actual following being ordered to not allow him access and immediately notify superiors (or other persons deemed suitable).
I don’t think this a ‘far out’ thought, considering we are witnessing a man with absolutely no value of human life. I am somewhat comforted by the number of former high ranking members of said military are also aware of exactly who this troubled person is.
Y’all stay safe and healthy, and of course –