Sitting With The Auditor
Our business insurance audit was scheduled and the day arrived yesterday. I sat with an auditor for an hour. I did little but wait until he asked a question. There were few questions. I have “been through” many of these audits. I exercise every effort to organize the requested material for the auditor. The measure of preparation is in proportion to what is at stake. Insurance for the business represents a lot of premium paid. It represents real risk taken on by the insurance company.
While in the presence of the auditor I had time to contemplate. How crucial truth-telling is to the audit process. Accurate representation of fact is critical if the insurance company is to remain in business, and critical if I am to avoid being charged with insurance fraud. Truth telling is not a trivial matter, especially when much is at stake. I looked at the insurance company questionnaire lying before me on the table. Answer truthfully, and sign the document, as the president of my company.
I contemplated these matters and the auditor worked. It dawned upon me how bizarre that the occupant of the White House when he speaks as President of the country has no sense of obligation to speak truthfully. His manner of speaking, the presentation of his state of mind/heart is “made up” on-the-fly to manipulate his audience, often the press, and by extension the rest of us who depend upon the press for news. Contradiction of known fact, misdirection, pandering, etc has been offered on a regular basis by the person occupying the highest office in the country.
I have been shocked into mute disbelief as have many others on account of this behavior. Those who have not been shocked are his supporters. They have circled the wagons in support, extending the surreal narrative initiated by their leader. “What climate change–we don’t believe in that!” “Those Muslims wage war against us and we must keep them out,” to put just two of the surreal claims in everyday language.
Sitting there with the auditor, I had this flash of insight. I remembered a line read many years ago. Later in the day I searched my copy of The Art of War by Sun Tsu. My puzzlement resolved. We have a lot at stake and the President is at war — with us.
All warfare is based on deception.
The Art of War by Sun Tsu #18